You Never Forget the Most Interesting Clients
#DouglasFineberg I was retained by Jordan Aviation Maintenance Company (JORAMCO) to provide advice, legal counsel and "assistance" in...
I am proud to be: UCLA - Class of 1975!
Local manufacturers affirm that free trade agreement linking the USA & Jordan is working!
Social Media Has Offered New Options for Identity Theft
#DouglasFineberg, #IdentityTheft
2 Yrs Later, King Abdullah Reaches My Conclusion Reg Establishing Industries Dedicated to Free Trade
#DouglasFineberg, #USJordanFreeTradeAgreement, King urges industrial sector to build on free trade agreements Amman, June 29 (Petra) ––...
2020 will be remembered for the negative things - not the positives.
Identity Theft is the "booby prize" that just keeps on hurting it's victims:
The Best Ideas Will Always be Appropriated !
Range Capital Partners developed the concept of "selling" Citizenship by Investment" (CBI) under the approach of investing in a 5-star...
Identity Theft - the definition is so simple, but the consequences last a lifetime!
"The fraudulent practice of using another persons name and personal information in order to obtain employment, borrow money, obtain...
Whats Your Leadership Style?
I believe in leading by example. You cannot expect employees to achieve goals that are superior to your leadership.
All you need is a little innovation to sell the concept
We are in the business of elevating lifestyle through projects in Real Estate Development, Healthcare & Hospitality.
The Long Term Consequences of Identity Theft
In 1998 my identity was stolen and used by an unidentified person. The consequences of his theft continue 20 years later
8 reasons to type up your notes after a meeting #DouglasFineberg
Memory is (at best) an imperfect device. I was once advised that "if you don't write it down, then it never really happened". With this...